I'm just a girl trying to figure out what the heck I'm doing and how I'm suppose to do it. I don't have all the answers..in fact there are moments I don't even know the frickin' question! But...I'm ona neverending journey of learning and growing...and sometimes screwing up big time along the way. I promise to be honest with you AND to myself. I'm ready to lay it all bare in hopes that I might sort through the pieces and find the me that's been hiding for so long...

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Someone Is Watching...

Did your mom ever tell you to behave when there were little kids around? "Little eyes are watching you and little ears are listening to you".  Well...she was right.  But I've learned this week that it's not just the little ones that are watching and listening, it's your husband, co-workers, and friends who are listening too.  Maybe even someone you don't even know. I'm going to share with you a message I received on Facebook yesterday.( I left out her name just because don't know if she would want me to share it or not.)

 I attended the SHM's retreat this year in Joplin. I am a relatively quiet person and never approached you because you were always engaged in a conversation with someone. I simply wanted to tell you that I was and am inspired by the energy you have along with the motivation you radiate. I wish I had taken a minute to introduce myself to you when I was there, however the shy side of me got the best of me. I am hoping that the opportunity will come again to meet you in person. Hopefully next time I will be more involved with the activities. I attended every function though I know I could have received a lot more out of the retreat had I opened myself up to interact with others more. You are a great example of what I believe a Smokin Hot Mama should be! I sent you a friend request, but I thought I should introduce myself so you would at least have an idea of who I am. I look forward to meeting you in person in the future.

I was so not expecting to read that before going to work on a Monday.  But let me tell you something...I had a great 12 hour day at work. I felt like crap last night too, but this woman's words lifted me up above any negativity I may have encountered or felt and made me think that maybe, just maybe, I'm doing something right.

I can not wait until I'm in the same room ith this woman again because hers will be one of the first necks I hug. She made me realize that,while the whole world may not be watching, someone is.

I used to be that someone, the one watching from the sidelines and wishing I felt more confident so I could actually participate. At the first SHMC pep rally in Joplin (2010) I was the girl who felt so out of place. I wasn't (nor am I now) a mama, I personally knew less than a handful of people, and although I am NOT a runner, I was about to participate in my first half marathon.  But mostly, I was terrified of being judged by a group of women who didn't know me at all.

And you know what happened?  I walked into that room and immediately I was being hugged.  The energy in that room was more than positive...it was...life changing.  They didn't care where I had been...they were just glad I was THERE.  I left Joplin in 2010 a changed woman.  I was no longer afraid to tell it like it is or to randomly laugh out loud about something that happened two weeks ago. My relationship with my husband has become stronger.  My friendships have become truer. And my belief in myself has grown by leaps and bounds.

All it takes is a kind word, a hug, or a high five to change someones day. We should never be too busy or self absorbed that we forget that.

1 comment:

  1. Absolutely love it April! And so true. I strive every day to say something to a friend or even a stranger that will help brighten their day. Even if I'm the one having the bad day, knowing I can make someone's day better makes mine better too. Love ya girl!
