I'm just a girl trying to figure out what the heck I'm doing and how I'm suppose to do it. I don't have all the answers..in fact there are moments I don't even know the frickin' question! But...I'm ona neverending journey of learning and growing...and sometimes screwing up big time along the way. I promise to be honest with you AND to myself. I'm ready to lay it all bare in hopes that I might sort through the pieces and find the me that's been hiding for so long...

Monday, October 31, 2011

25 Things About Me

1.  I am the youngest of 5 children and there is 12 years between myself and the next youngest...my brother. 

2.  I have 5 tattoos and I am not ashamed of them.  Nor do I believe that I am damned to hell for having them.

3.  To the best of my knowledge  I have moved 27 times in my 29 years...maybe more that I can't remember.

4. I am straight up flaky about birthday cards. I buy them.  I write in them.  I even put stamps on them.  And then 5 months later I find them at the bottom of a stack of magazines.  I've tried to do better...it just isn't happening. 

5. I shave the top of my toes.

6.  I am a very proud member of the Smokin' Hot Mama Club... a facebook group of women from around the globe living life to the fullest and encouraging eacoher along the way. Best. Club. E.V.E.R.

7.  I smoked (a LOT) for 10 years.

8.  I've been smoke free since December 29th, 2010.

9. After believing for years that I didn't want to get married, EVER, I met Randy.  We've been married for nearly 7 years now!

10.  Though we have no children (and I'm finally OK with that) we do have four dogs.  Junior, Zoe, Tucker, and my sweet little Molly.  THESE are our children and believe me they know it.

11. I hate talking on the phone for the most part.  I would much rather text, email, or even write a letter the old fashioned way with pencil and paper.

12.  Black Friday is my 3rd favorite holiday after Thanksgiving and Christmas. 

13.  I am a Pepsi addict.

14.  I work in a factory, but, I actually enjoy my job.  I work with some of my very best friends and laugh almost all day. 

15.  My favorite color is pink.  I even have a pink/black/zebra bathroom and it is beautiful!

16.  I have not only participated in, but also finished, 2 half marathons.  13.1 miles baby!!! Planning on adding the 3rd and possibly 4th in 2012!

17.  I have panic attacks while riding in cars.  Mostly when we're on a major highway.  I flip out and I'm not sure why.

18.  Music moves me to my core.  I love a song that makes me laugh or a song that rips my guts out or anything in between.  I don't want to hear my music, I want to FEEL my music.

19.  I was diagnosed with PCOS in 2005.  Life has been an emotional roller coaster ever since...but I'm finally in a happy place.

20.  I love to cook and bake!  If I didn't have a full time job already, cooking for others would be my job!

21.  There is no one person in this world who knows all of my secrets...I'm not sure that I even know all my secrets.

22.  I love to write.  Songs, poetry, lists, stories, song lyrics. .

23.  I love to encourage people to be their best, to embrace the past as simply a chance to learn, and to put themselves first as much as possible.  Focus on the positive things in life and let go of the bad!

24. I really REALLY don't want to be 30.  REALLY.

25.  I am blessed with amazing family and friends.  With out them my life would suck...for serious.  Even the ones I haven't gotten to personally meet yet make my life better.  <3

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