I'm just a girl trying to figure out what the heck I'm doing and how I'm suppose to do it. I don't have all the answers..in fact there are moments I don't even know the frickin' question! But...I'm ona neverending journey of learning and growing...and sometimes screwing up big time along the way. I promise to be honest with you AND to myself. I'm ready to lay it all bare in hopes that I might sort through the pieces and find the me that's been hiding for so long...

Friday, March 23, 2012

Well, crap.

Am I in a minority of people who actually say things and mean it? Is there some kind of secret group out in the world that teaches a select group of people how to manipulate the other people's emotions for their own personal pleasure? Did I miss the life lesson about not letting other people have so much control of your happiness? And why in the hell do some of the people we love and care for most end up being the people who use us up and leave us in a heap on the floor the fastest?

Just a few things I'd like to request today:
1) Don't tell a girl you love her unless you mean it.  Don't say it just because she did.  Don't say it because you think it's what she wants to hear. 
2) If you do say it, make your intentions perfectly clear so that she doesn't spend the rest of her life wondering why, if you loved her, you kept breaking her heart. Wondering what she did so wrong to make you run off every time shit got serious. And please, please don't make plans for the future if you have no intent on being there.
3) If you do decide to run, don't keep coming back again and again....and again.  There's only so much leaving a heart can handle and eventually she might just fall apart.
4) If you break her heart once, she will forgive you someday...if you break her heart over and over, she'll NEVER forgive herself for letting you do that to her.
5) Don't expect her to forget a single moment even if you did.  And don't expect her to just be "normal" now.  There is going to be a lot of things she needs to say to you but she won't know how and it may come across like she's bitchy or nagging, but really she's just a flippin' mess and has suddenly forgotten how to have an adult conversation. 
All that being said, I wish like hell we all had an internal switch that would shut our mouths, focus our thoughts, and disable our texting capabilities when we start to get all crazy.  I swear I bring some of this on myself, but not all of it.  And as much as I envy those people who are able to let it all  roll off their backs, I actually prefer being an over emotional girl at times.  After all, if I wasn't this way, I wouldn't be me.  Some people can handle it, others can't. Some people say they love me for who I am, others actually prove it.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry you're going through a rough time. I'm like you an emotional wreck when it comes to times like these. try to keep your chin up. You're a strong girl!
