Makes perfect sense, right? Ok...maybe not to anyone else, but for me it's true. I know that if I don't look backward and figure out what the hell I've allowed to hold me back for so long that I will never take that SECOND step forward. No, I didn't skip step one. We've all heard the old saying "admitting there is a problem is the first step". Done. Now...what's my flippin' problem?
There are probably more than I even know, but lets keep it simple since we're just getting started!
1. A (possibly) irrational fear that no matter what I do to be "better", it will never be enough. In my head it doesn't matter how much weight I lose or how fast I run because my body still won't work right!! I've yet to find a doctor who will tell me lose "this" much weight and you will be better off. If I could get someone to give me a set number to work towards I would be les inclinded to change it like I do when I set my own goal weight! (So come on and tell me a number!!)
2. A fear that I will fail again just like every other time I've tried...and in failing doors of critisism get blown open. There is ALWAYS someone ready to say 'i told you so'. I don't like those people...
3. A fear of the unknown. I'm a planner and a list maker. If I'm asked to do something or go somewhere out of the blue it totally screws with me and I'm apt to ignore you for a while because of it!! No lie! And all those little unknown speedbumps along the way terrify me! I'm just thinking about it and I can feel hives coming!
But that's just it. No, not hives...thinking. I'm so tired of thinking about things and not taking action. I'm so tired of eating frozen pizza when I honestly would rather have a slice of watermelon. I'm tired of drinking Pepsi when I know my body would feel better with a glass of water. I'm tired of laying on the couch being tired instead of getting up and waking up!
So, I'm making this promise whoever may reading this even if it's just me..
I'm making a change today. I will eat healthy. I will exercise my body. I will push the limits of my mind. Starting today I will hold myself accountable because, really, nobody else can. Starting today I will no longer let yesterdays hurts hinder the happiness in my remaining tomorrows...
Watch me fly!!!
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